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BioMRF offers to the North American market RDF densification machines built by MTD, an Italian manufacturer which since the 80ies has been producing flat-die pelletizers with a diameter of up to 708” (1700 mm).
Although source separation, recycling and biotreatment are formidable tools for recovering resources and lessening the dependence on landfills, today the production of process rejects including non-recyclable components is still inevitable at many MRFs which can convert these rejects into RDF to be used in the cement industry and dedicated boilers.
The low bulk density of RDF is often an obstacle which can make transportation and storage uneconomical for the operators.
Via Mentana 10
Udine, 33100
+39 0432 1799166
BioMRF Technologies S.r.l.
Iscrizione REA UD-198433
Partita IVA 01826760306
Capitale sociale Euro 96 900
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